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Reimagining Climate Action in Cities

Helping cities lead the charge towards a net zero resilient future.

The Challenge

To limit global warming to 1.5°C, the world needs to roughly halve carbon emissions by 2030, and achieve net zero by 2050. Cities, which generate more than 70% of global carbon emissions, represent the biggest challenge and opportunity to slow global warming and to build sustainable, resilient communities.

The incremental and siloed innovation approaches of city governments will inhibit the ability of cities to make progress at the speed and scale necessary to meet these ambitious goals and/or to channel critical support to communities already feeling the effects of climate change.

To accelerate climate action, cities need to embrace an approach that prioritizes cross-sector collaboration, rapid experimentation, and continuous learning - capabilities which is a significant shift from how they currently operate.

The Initiative

Climate change is a vast, complex, and, above all, collective challenge without precedent in human history. City governments must mobilize the cross-sector collective action necessary to respond. Doing this effectively requires city governments to build collaboration, experimentation, and learning capabilities and to make a fundamental transformation in the way they operate, define value, make decisions and seek progress.

We work as a learning partner to cities across the globe to help drive the transformation needed to accelerate action.

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How we help


Push the boundaries of the current landscape by researching topics critical to the future of government climate action and co-creating novel new approaches.

Action learning

In-depth and rigorous programs to build critical innovation capabilities and cultures in a “learn-by-doing” approach, where city teams design and test solutions in partnership with communities and partners.

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CPI has delivered multiple global innovation challenges and competitions that produce innovative solutions that can enable cities to build net zero, resilient cities.

Peer learning & convenings

Convene changemakers across the public, private, and social sectors to share knowledge and learn in response to complex climate challenges.

Projects and partnerships

We’re excited to be serving as the operational partner on’s Impact Challenge focused on Climate Innovation, which commits $30M to fund big bet projects that accelerate technological advances in climate information and action.

TransCap Initiative and EIT Climate-KIC

In partnership with the TransCap Initiative and EIT Climate-KIC, we’re exploring how city governments can make climate-related investments capable of catalysing the systems transformation necessary to meet the climate challenge.

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

Together with the Calouste Gulbekian Foundation, our 'Engaging the public on climate change' report seeks to better understand how governments are answering the call from people to take action.

Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance

We are proud to be a member of the Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance, a coalition of leading organisations actively working to mobilise investment in low-carbon and climate-resilient infrastructure at scale, in cities and urban areas globally, by 2030.

Get in touch

Are you interested in building the collaboration, experimentation, and learning capabilities needed to accelerate climate action? If yes, we’d love to hear from you.

Contact us